Prospecting for White Gold
Check out this video from Mount Carlyle
January 9 – 16, 2011
by Chris Swetland
Click on the images to view larger. Scroll down to see more videos.
Send us your great Mount Carlyle photos & videos.
- Home Sweet Home – 2012
- Group Shot 2012
- Old Mining Claim Post- 1894 !
- Mel in Fine form
- Brendan and Mel
- Mel as a young “flyer”
- Santas on his way
- M&B on the Sourdough
- Miller time
- Winterside- ski resort
- “Und zen we ski here” 2012
- Your Host Hard at Work – 2012
- OooH Yah !!!
- Lil’ Duffer at 11yrs old-2011
- Autumn life
- Painters Workshops
- SourDough Trail
- Scrambling
- Bouldering
- Flipping out over Carlyle Pow
- ascent to Carpenter pass
- Powder Hounds
- The Usual suspects
Video from Mount Carlyle Lodge
January 2011
by Dave Waag, Off-Piste Magazine
Backcountry Skiing Canada
A video and review from Backcountry Skiing Canada
January 2011
A photographic homage to the early days of skiing by Dave Heath.
A Groovy Little Picture Show
A Dave Heath Slideshow created for Kootenay Mountain Culture magazines “Backyard Booty” 2010.